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Redefining Post-Covid Education

  Free photo Google This is my post no.10, the last in the BlogChatter Marathon. I chose the theme of education for the exercise and portioned out different topics to consider each day, happy I could follow it.  This is the time, everything in life is affected by Covid, so I took care to include its aspect into my theme.  All those I have titled in my first post -- New Challenges of  Education at the Covid time. They were not long posts, a cursory touch of certain aspects.  Education is not an easy matter, and no educational theory is a complete answer to the pedagogical questions, how a teacher teaches, for a child to learn everything.  The theorists formulated the theories based on what they thought was the nature of the subject, humans, and the world.   I have highlighted this in my posts.   The present world is not a homogenous one but controlled by different interests--economy, race, caste, colour, region, culture, science, politics, technology, neoliberalism, market, globalism,

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